So....Anyone who knows us, knows we have been wanting a baby for a good year now! We have been so patient and are fully aware that it takes alot of couples some time to concieve at first! We went to see our Specialist and he is absolutely wonderful!! He always assures us that we are two great healthy people who will eventually conieve, but it does take time at first for some couples! Luckily, we both know that there is a plan and a family waiting to come down to join us but its all within the Lord's timing! That makes everything ok! ....Jody and I are loving our time with just the two of us, going on great vacations, loving our jobs, and trying to strengthen our weaknesses so we can be the best parents we possible can for our future family!
In the meantime, the Doctor gave
ME some requirements that I need to meet to help make things hopefully more successful and me more healthy!! He told me he has had great success rates on doing all of these steps! Seriously???...........Ha, while Jody gets to continue being a daily "Pepsi/Red Bull/Monsters/RockStars/No Fear" drinker, (which he's cut back a TON, just for this reason....SOO grateful for that!!) living life as normal, I am busy on my 10 step plan! He's been great to go to the gym in the morning's with me but when we eat dinner, and he orders Pepsi....that's when I get jealous! That's okay though!! They are all great things that I need to put in my life anyways, so I'm excited to get in the best shape possible!!! Here we go!
Amy's Daily Steps......
1. Drink a gallon of water a day, 1/2 by noon, and the other 1/2 by 6:00 pm! (Is this possible?)
2. Exercise a minimun of 3 days a week!
3. Take a MILLION vitamins! B vitamins, Pernantals, Multi-Vitamins, all the above!
4. Eat healthy foods, spinach, salads, WATER!!, fruits, and veggies!
5. Take Fertility Pills 5 days a month!
6. Dont Stress! Minimum of 30 mins baby talk per week....(Really? Don't Strees? Let's be honest!)
7. Certain Tricks..... (You all know what I mean!)
8. Ovalarian Tube Surgery Test....(Painful!)
9. Take a bath weekly and a massage montly to relieve stress!! (I'm ok with this!!)
10. Find out my Ovulating Days with Ovulation Sticks....
(Ovulation Test and Pregnancy tests, have officially became a Montly Bill!)
So...... When I first got this list, My Doctor and I were in a fight, (not really!!) but I've decided to be positive and be thankful that there are simple things I can do to help the long journey be more succesful!! I'm excited if anything else to just be healthy and get in shape! Can't be that bad of a plan right? ....BUT, just wanted to remind everyone who can have kids easily, to be FOREVER GRATEFUL!!!!!